Crop Residue Exchange Online Privacy Policy Extension

This site's privacy policy provides clarification or extension to the UNL Online Privacy Policy regarding this site's handling of private data. Please see the UNL Online Privacy Policy for a full description of this privacy policy as it relates to the collection, protection, and disclosure of information resulting from the use of university websites and apps; both information that is collected automatically and information you provide voluntarily.

Information you provide voluntarily

When registering for an account on the Crop Residue Exchange, you provide your email address, and after the account is activated, you have the option to provide your phone number, as well as select your preferred contact method - email, phone, or either. Email is selected by default.

When creating a listing, you provide location data, dates of availability, and other data concerning the suitability of the listing for grazing.

When deactivating a listing, you may be prompted to fill out a survey to provide feedback concerning your experience using the Crop Residue Exchange.

How we use this data

Your contact information and location of land are only shared with other registered users of the Crop Residue Exchange when they view a listing that is available, and only the contact information that you have selected as your preferred contact method.

Survey data is used by us to improve the service and to eventually provide relevant statistical information to other users.